Christmas, 2019, Without My Wife

This is the first Christmas without Winky. It is somewhat sad and at the same time a great relief that she doesn’t suffer any longer.

She went 67 years with diabetes. From 8 years old to almost 75. In effect, she beat the disease, living for so long with it. But at what price.

Early Life

She did very well in the early years of her life. It was only during the last, maybe 10 years, that she was very uncomfortable.

She didn’t complain much about how she hurt. But once in a while I would hear of her suffering. In the last few years, she walked with a cane. Her hips and feet hurt. She would try on shoes to go out and then change her mind and select another pair and sometimes even a third.


During the last it got to where she couldn’t stand for very long and she would sit and direct my efforts at cooking our meals. She became a prisoner in the apartment.

I bought her a transport chair, and would wheel her down to the car so that we could go to our favorite restaurant and she could visit with other people besides me. Every so often we would go to our son’s to visit.

She was a wonderful woman, a true friend and companion. Do I miss her, I miss her a lot. I am happy, however that she no longer suffers.


I am not lonely without her though. After my divorce from my first wife, I spent a great deal of my life alone. I also spent a lot of time away from her while trucking across the United States. I am comfortable being alone. In some ways I wish she were here and in some ways I am glad that she is not.

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