Thoughts on My Retirement-My Likes and Dislikes

I’m not big on the fancy stuff that, for some, comes with retirement.

Eating out in fancy restaurants holds little interest for me. I’ve had to do that for so many years as an over the road trucker. There’s not much appeal.

I will go out for Chinese or Mexican food though. I can’t do it as well as they do.

Congregating with groups of people is not my cup of tea, either. I like my alone time.

Physical stuff like hiking or exploring doesn’t work for me anymore.

I used to enjoy backpacking in the San Gabriel mountains north-east of Los Angeles. At my age even walking very far causes some problems.

The Rambler in Me

I’d like to travel some. I always wanted to visit Italy and roam about. Try out the food and chat with the people.

I have no interest in a group tour or anything else that has to do with a group. I would like to  meander through the countryside and take in any little shops or cafes.

One thing on my bucket list is to get on a train and ride around the country; spend  a month or two. Enjoy the scenery without having to pay attention to the road as I have done in the past forty years.

Digital photography is something that I could get into as well. I like interesting architecture and could take side trips to photograph some of that.

Historical buildings and that sort of thing are nice subjects. Contrasting visual effects like a tiny building next to a monster is always interesting.

A Project to Work on

Something else that has intrigued me for many years are geodesic domes. Somewhere I heard or read that they are somewhat tornado-proof.

My theory is that they could also be earthquake-proof as well.

I often hear of earthquakes in Turkey and the middle east.

A simple geodesic-dome house could serve as a temporary shelter. It could provide a space out of the weather while they clean up the rubble and the erection of new suitable structures begins.

Consequently, I have toyed with the idea to have a snap together dome covered with plastic and be usable within an hour or so.

It could come as a kit and all the parts would fit in a box or bag that could wind up at the site of an earthquake catastrophe. The Red Cross, or other entity, could be responsible for the distribution of these kits.

Look at all the people in Haiti who lost their homes to hurricanes. There are several parts of the world where these could come in handy.

I used to work as a draftsman in several engineering environments. There is no reason why I can’t explore some of my ideas. I want to build a model and make drawings of the parts required.

Reality Check

“Whoa,” you say, “I thought you were intending to work-from-home on a bookkeeping business. How can you do that and all these other things too?”

Well, actually, work-from-home is a way of saying that one is virtual. And with the technology of today one can work from anywhere there is an Internet connection. Anyway, isn’t it also said that “home is where the heart is.”

As long as I can complete the work, I can occupy myself as I please. So, with those thoughts in mind, I’ll take my leave.

Please leave any comments, that you’d care to leave, in the comment section. I would enjoy hearing what you think.

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The Road to Retirement

My last ride

I have finally realized that it’s time for me to stop running up and down the road.

I’m past the typical age of retirement and my reflexes are not what they used to be.

My body is wearing out and when my gut starts to rumble I don’t want to be forty miles from the next toilet.

I no longer feel safe driving a vehicle weighing thousands of pounds.

Every night I go to work I wonder if this is the night my body has a major malfunction and I kill myself or maybe someone else.

Mechanical problems

The winter months are brutal not only for me but also on the equipment. It seems that problems wait for winter to happen.

There are far more breakdowns in the winter months than in the summer.

With the new Federal requirements of electronic logs coupled with the frustrations of my company developing their own digital equipment with all the inherent bugs that need to be worked out, I’m just not happy anymore.

It’s time to retire

I no longer enjoy my job and haven’t for some time now.

I have been thinking about retirement for a few years. If Winky were still alive, she would confirm this.

Trouble is, I have not been a good steward in preparing for this eventuality.

It always seemed like there was never enough money to put anything aside for retirement.

My plan

I need a plan to find supplemental income; something that I could do from home that wouldn’t consume my whole day, wouldn’t have a lot of related expense, and would supplement my social security income. Earn enough to possibly save for a vacation doing something that I want to do.

After spending many years trying one type of home business after another, I began to evaluate what I was best suited for.

As it turns out, I am detail oriented and good with numbers. But abstract concepts leave me cold.

My best bet is to pursue a skill that plays to my strength; something like bookkeeping.

Last summer i began a course in bookkeeping.

I had done bookkeeping when I had my own trucking business, but I have learned more than the feeble attempts I made then.

When I finish this course I will be able to search for clients to help that can provide me with an income to supplement my social security income.

I don’t need many to earn what I currently earn from my trucking job.

Hurdles to jump

There are barriers in the way though. Like what do I do about health insurance, and what other insurance do I need to protect myself from being sued, etc.

Do I want to form an LLC and what are the costs involved there?

I have started a checking account strictly for business purposes. I’m not sure if I need to file a quarterly report even if I have no revenue yet. 

There are probably more things to think about that I’m not even aware of.

I have saved a bit to help me get through the building process, but  I’m not sure it will be enough.

One cautious step at a time

I am playing it cautiously, taking my time. I think when the time is right, I’ll know when to pull the plug on my job.

I’m hoping to be able to quit within the next couple of months.

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American Soldier a Book Review

American Soldier Cover

I recently read American Soldier in a Kindle version. I bought it because it looked interesting and it was inexpensive. I only paid $2.14 for it.

I bought it in 2017 but didn’t start to read it until much later. Other stuff always gets in the way.

When I did start to read it, it was so interesting that I had trouble putting it away when it came time to do something else.

About the book

The book is an autobiography of Tommy R Franks a retired four star U S Army General. A man who got his start in this world as an adopted son in a middle-class family living in Oklahoma just after WWII.

The hardback book is 590 pages long. I purchased the Kindle version and I think it’s a little bit longer due to the formatting of Kindle.

What I liked about American Soldier

First of all, I liked learning about General Franks. His rural America beginnings that led to Commander in Chief of a U S Army in Iraq. I liked his reasoning with regard to tactics and strategy during the phases of the war. His no-nonsense stand when dealing with the upper echelon of the government.

The best thing I liked is the view of the wars post WWII. During the time of those wars I was occupied as an owner operator in the trucking business. I didn’t follow the news much and was ignorant of what was going on in the world.

The telling of the story brought most of it to light for me. From Viet nam to Afghanistan to Iraq was clarified for me.

The Disappointing Part

The last part of the book was somewhat disappointing. It seemed like it was created to make the book longer. I thought it contained a lot of fluff and stopped reading before I got to the end.


I would still recommend reading American Soldier. The fact that an adopted boy that got into trouble as a youngster could achieve such status is an amazing tale.

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Knowledge Is Power, But At What Cost

Every year, hell, sometimes every six months or even more often, various “free” entities are in campaign mode, asking for money. They want the support of all those that use their service.

Offending Entities

Public radio is famous for this tactic. They used to have a once a year campaign for a few weeks and then you wouldn’t hear them whine until next year. Now, it seems like every few months I hear them asking for dollars. “For a certain size donation, we’ll send you a free coffee cup.” Whoopie, like I need more junk laying around the house.

The Kahn Academy is another one I continue to get pleas from. I wanted to know about a certain subject and opted-in to some of their classes. I don’t even remember what it was I wanted to know at the time. Now it seems like every week I get an email asking for a donation.

Now Wikipedia is harassing me.

Hundreds, probably thousands of writers and editors contribute, on a voluntary basis, to the site every day. They put their research and knowledge on the line. Whether their writers are accurate or not I have no way of knowing without doing a lot of reading on the subject of interest myself. You tend to trust them, anyway. Since I am not doing any scholastic research but only want to satisfy my curiosity the information is great. Heck, the information is free, isn’t it?

My Rant

The last time I opened the site I got a message that told me that I used the site quite a lot and that 9 times I ignored their plea. Maybe the donation I gave them a few weeks ago was exhausted. Am I required to continue to pump my earnings into their coffers?

Sure, I only sent them $10.00. All they asked for was $3.00 from each user. I think I did my part, at least for a while.

I’ll admit that I use some of these frequently; Wikipedia especially. But I didn’t ask them to create their “free” site. I know it takes a lot of money to operate a site like Wikipedia. But they volunteered to create and promote a free program. If they wanted the site to pay for itself, maybe they should charge for it. It doesn’t need to be extravagant, maybe $2.00 bucks a month or some such fee. I don’t think I would use it any less.

Will I discontinue use of their ‘free’ information? I guess if they aren’t able to survive without my donation, I will have to. Maybe I should pay for the service. Every time I want to know about something, I always go to Wikipedia. But if they continue to offer their service for free, I’m all over it.

It seems like when you feel generous and contribute to whomever, they try to take advantage of you at every turn. Am I whining? Shouldn’t I put on my big-boy pants and just get over it. Maybe so, but this last plea ticked me off.

And that’s the way I roll.

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Christmas, 2019, Without My Wife

This is the first Christmas without Winky. It is somewhat sad and at the same time a great relief that she doesn’t suffer any longer.

She went 67 years with diabetes. From 8 years old to almost 75. In effect, she beat the disease, living for so long with it. But at what price.

Early Life

She did very well in the early years of her life. It was only during the last, maybe 10 years, that she was very uncomfortable.

She didn’t complain much about how she hurt. But once in a while I would hear of her suffering. In the last few years, she walked with a cane. Her hips and feet hurt. She would try on shoes to go out and then change her mind and select another pair and sometimes even a third.


During the last it got to where she couldn’t stand for very long and she would sit and direct my efforts at cooking our meals. She became a prisoner in the apartment.

I bought her a transport chair, and would wheel her down to the car so that we could go to our favorite restaurant and she could visit with other people besides me. Every so often we would go to our son’s to visit.

She was a wonderful woman, a true friend and companion. Do I miss her, I miss her a lot. I am happy, however that she no longer suffers.


I am not lonely without her though. After my divorce from my first wife, I spent a great deal of my life alone. I also spent a lot of time away from her while trucking across the United States. I am comfortable being alone. In some ways I wish she were here and in some ways I am glad that she is not.

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