I’m Ready For Spring

It feels like it’s only the first part of January here still. We have had temps in the sub-zero digits every night for months now. That is the time that I pay attention to the temperature. I always want to know what the temp is so that I know how to dress for work. The accuweather website says it will start to warm a bit in another day. I couldn’t come soon enough for me.

I work for a trucking company that not only employs drivers like me but also uses dock workers to load and unload our trailers. Last week one of the workers was discovered dead on the dock. He was one of the early ones to come to work so there was nobody else around his work area. But, as others slowly arrived, his body was discovered slumped over a low barrier on the dock. Apparently a heart attack victim. It was a sad day, for he was also a friend of mine.

It got me to thinking about how to dig a grave in the frozen ground. Not just a grave, but any hole. Is a backhoe powerful enough to dig through frozen ground? I suppose so.

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