Wilderness Photography, My Newest Hobby

photograph of bridge crossing riverWilderness photography is my newest hobby.

I was a bit reluctant when my son invited me to go shoot some photos on Saturday. My work week ends on Saturday morning. Frankly I am just pooped most of the day and usually collapse toward evening, sleeping anywhere from twelve to fourteen hours.

I bargained for doing it on Sunday when I could be more rested.

He wanted to watch the Vikings and offered to make some wings. We could go out after the game.

After we watched the Vikings lose, he presented me with an early birthday gift. If you read my previous blog you know that I recently purchased a new camera and I am anxious to practice my photography skills. The tripod was the next item on my to-buy list and it made me happy to receive it. I think it was somewhat of a ploy to get me over to his house to give me the tripod.photograph of river flowing

The jaunt into the wilderness

We moseyed on down to the Minnesota River where it flows just North of Jordan. The river is flowing well due to the amount of rainfall we have had recently. During the summer months it is usually dry.

We walked down the river bank, under the road bridge, while he pointed out several good subjects to shoot. We explored a bit back up river all the while I followed his suggestions for possible subjects. Some I ventured on my own and photographed just for the fun of it.

There were a number of subjects to focus on but mainly it turned out to be a practice session on composition.photograph of tree roots

I have always thought that my composition skills sucked canal water. Always, I have tried to center the subject and the resultant pictures have looked like a backyard amateur made the photo. I think his suggestions have made a noticeable difference as evidenced by these photos.

Afterward we ventured back into town and to a spillway on Sand Creek where we took more snaps.

I am grateful for a son that takes into consideration at least one of my favorite things to do. We planned to do more of these jaunts in the future and perhaps focus on a certain theme. His suggestion is to shoot some historical buildings in the town of Jordan where he lives.

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  1. Pingback: Photography Lessons Learned - It Just Came Together - Bob Skelton

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